Call Shelley direct for more information at 704-619-7355
Luxury Log home nestled on 38+ acres. Conveniently located near Lake Norman and easy access to Charlotte International Airport. Massive steam generator for the master bathroom – Thermosol PRO-650, good for 4x the sq ft of the shower space we’re in (originally, as you can see on the plans now, we were going to enclose the whole area where the tub is also and make it a “wet room” for practical reasons we changed our minds, but kept the huge steam generator). Heats it up HOT and FAST, and keeps it that way. You can’t see through all the steam this thing produces on full blast. It’s great.
High end Finnleo Sauna w/White Spruce interior – Heater with 2x the necessary capacity to heat the room up fast.
Community well was built for the site – outputs more than 150 gallons+ per hour of capacity, and is over 450ft deep. You can run all the irrigation, spigots, and showers in this house and have room for more in water capacity and pump capacity.
Pool is heated with a gigantic propane heater – we use the pool well into December, and never close it up. This heater will keep the pool usable down to freezing temperatures, we’ve had big pool parties at THANKSGIVING. It has its own dedicated 500-gallon underground propane tank. I heated the pool from 75 degrees to 100 degrees this week for a small get together, it was like a 60,000 gallon spa last night…
The jumping rock/water fall above the grotto was built to allow a 6ft tall to dive or jump straight in – to code! We have a 10ft~ deep deep end in the pool, to allow safe plowing-in from the highest points at the pool.
The stream at the pool was designed to allow little kids or adults to hang out in shallow water safely, with the heater on, it’s a warm relaxing spot to hang out.
The house has two big Rinnai gas heaters to supply hot water to the house – you can turn on every hot water spigot in and out of the house, every shower, and the water stays at 130+ degrees no problem. When the primary unit can’t keep up, the backup kicks on. You never run out of hot water. In the event something fails, there is a backup electric hot water heater (never used) in the mechanical room.
The garage was built to allow storage of at least 6 full sized cars (think 70s full sized, 20ft long Buicks and Cadillacs) plus 2 smaller cars in one bay and off to the left of the new bays.
The upstairs area of the garage was originally intended to be a gigantic 2000+ sq ft game room, that’s why it was sheet rocked and insulted to residential standards. We never continued with the plan. Two splits (HVAC) and a bit of carpet or flooring up there and it’s ready to go.
The parking area above the 2 car garage at the house was designed to hold up to 3 small cars left to right when packed together in the space. The metal beams and support structure will hold in-excess of the weight of 2 full sized diesel trucks as well. It’s strong.
The downstairs office and play-room have walls covered in dry-erase paint, to allow “work” or “fun” drawing on the walls, safely.
The gigantic fireplaces in the house support gas-logs (installed) or, if one preferred, to be used as wood-burners. One need only remove the gas logs and slide in the log grates to use them that way.
At the back of the property, there is a large stream running along the full length of it. There’s mature timber back there and nice flat terrain at the bottom for “camping at home” or hanging out. I bought the property on the other side of the stream at the right side of the years ago to potentially build a fun spot to hang out down there. During the spring and early summer, at the very bottom of the hill near the stream, the terrain is such that a pool of water gathers seasonally, it’s a huge place where frogs and salamanders reproduce. Quite an interesting spot.
Around the perimeter of the house and front lots is a small ATV trail system, running roughly 1.5 miles in diameter. The front-most portions of the trail are sufficient to drive through with a car. They are also nice walking trails, amongst the pines they remain warm even in the winter. Add in the rough trails around the back parcels, and you have a 3 mile+ circle alone to ride.
The ponds at the house are host to almost all frogs and toads native to this area. Bullfrogs, green frogs, leopard frogs, copes gray tree frogs, spring peepers, all manner of toads and more.. they are all here. There are also usually 5-6 turtles in the large pond. Also in the large pond are mature koi, spotted sunfish, common minnows, and striped sunfish. The stream is designed to be “pretty” and enjoyable to look at and site beside but it also was built for a functional reason – the plants growing in the stream provide a natural filter for the pond. The plants growing in the pond area provide food for the fish. It is 100% maintenance free, I feed the fish for fun sometimes. There are also large salamanders in all of the ponds (hellbenders) but it is hard to spot them, it takes a watch full eye.
High end Finnleo Sauna w/White Spruce interior – Heater with 2x the necessary capacity to heat the room up fast.
Community well was built for the site – outputs more than 150 gallons+ per hour of capacity, and is over 450ft deep. You can run all the irrigation, spigots, and showers in this house and have room for more in water capacity and pump capacity.
Pool is heated with a gigantic propane heater – we use the pool well into December, and never close it up. This heater will keep the pool usable down to freezing temperatures, we’ve had big pool parties at THANKSGIVING. It has its own dedicated 500-gallon underground propane tank. I heated the pool from 75 degrees to 100 degrees this week for a small get together, it was like a 60,000 gallon spa last night…
The jumping rock/water fall above the grotto was built to allow a 6ft tall to dive or jump straight in – to code! We have a 10ft~ deep deep end in the pool, to allow safe plowing-in from the highest points at the pool.
The stream at the pool was designed to allow little kids or adults to hang out in shallow water safely, with the heater on, it’s a warm relaxing spot to hang out.
The house has two big Rinnai gas heaters to supply hot water to the house – you can turn on every hot water spigot in and out of the house, every shower, and the water stays at 130+ degrees no problem. When the primary unit can’t keep up, the backup kicks on. You never run out of hot water. In the event something fails, there is a backup electric hot water heater (never used) in the mechanical room.
The garage was built to allow storage of at least 6 full sized cars (think 70s full sized, 20ft long Buicks and Cadillacs) plus 2 smaller cars in one bay and off to the left of the new bays.
The upstairs area of the garage was originally intended to be a gigantic 2000+ sq ft game room, that’s why it was sheet rocked and insulted to residential standards. We never continued with the plan. Two splits (HVAC) and a bit of carpet or flooring up there and it’s ready to go.
The parking area above the 2 car garage at the house was designed to hold up to 3 small cars left to right when packed together in the space. The metal beams and support structure will hold in-excess of the weight of 2 full sized diesel trucks as well. It’s strong.
The downstairs office and play-room have walls covered in dry-erase paint, to allow “work” or “fun” drawing on the walls, safely.
The gigantic fireplaces in the house support gas-logs (installed) or, if one preferred, to be used as wood-burners. One need only remove the gas logs and slide in the log grates to use them that way.
At the back of the property, there is a large stream running along the full length of it. There’s mature timber back there and nice flat terrain at the bottom for “camping at home” or hanging out. I bought the property on the other side of the stream at the right side of the years ago to potentially build a fun spot to hang out down there. During the spring and early summer, at the very bottom of the hill near the stream, the terrain is such that a pool of water gathers seasonally, it’s a huge place where frogs and salamanders reproduce. Quite an interesting spot.
Around the perimeter of the house and front lots is a small ATV trail system, running roughly 1.5 miles in diameter. The front-most portions of the trail are sufficient to drive through with a car. They are also nice walking trails, amongst the pines they remain warm even in the winter. Add in the rough trails around the back parcels, and you have a 3 mile+ circle alone to ride.
The ponds at the house are host to almost all frogs and toads native to this area. Bullfrogs, green frogs, leopard frogs, copes gray tree frogs, spring peepers, all manner of toads and more.. they are all here. There are also usually 5-6 turtles in the large pond. Also in the large pond are mature koi, spotted sunfish, common minnows, and striped sunfish. The stream is designed to be “pretty” and enjoyable to look at and site beside but it also was built for a functional reason – the plants growing in the stream provide a natural filter for the pond. The plants growing in the pond area provide food for the fish. It is 100% maintenance free, I feed the fish for fun sometimes. There are also large salamanders in all of the ponds (hellbenders) but it is hard to spot them, it takes a watch full eye.